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Email and Text Marketing Are Cookie-proof

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Email and text marketing are cookie proof

In the changing digital landscape 2024, Google’s Chrome is making a pivotal shift by discontinuing support for third-party tracking cookies, propelling marketers towards alternative tactics for reaching their audience. Amidst these changes, it’s important to note that email and text marketing are cookie-proof, offering reliable channels for engaging with audiences without relying on tracking cookies.

Google Chrome, which boasts a commanding presence with just over 65% of the global market share as of February 2024, according to Statista, initiated the phase-out of tracking cookies for about 1% of its users last month. This move is part of a broader plan to fully eliminate third-party cookies by the end of this year.

Chrome’s action marks a significant change. It was one of the final holdouts supporting third-party cookies. Google maintained this support while seeking ways to soften the impact on its advertising revenue from the shift to a cookie-less environment.

In contrast, other major browsers such as Appleā€™s Safari, Mozillaā€™s Firefox, Opera, Brave, and the newer Arc Browser have already started to phase out these tracking mechanisms.

Signal Loss and Its Implications

The reliance on third-party cookies by entities like Google, Facebook, ad networks, and retargeting platforms has been fundamental for targeted advertising. These cookies, dispersed across millions of websites, have enabled advertisers to track user activities across the internet, allowing for the delivery of tailored, effective advertisements.

With the demise of cross-site tracking cookies, the signalā€”that vital flow of user activity data that advertisers depend onā€”weakens. This deterioration significantly hampers the effectiveness of advertising networks, compelling marketers to pivot towards more direct engagement methods.

The Rise of Direct Message Marketing

Direct message marketing, which leverages emails, text messages (SMS and MMS), and messaging apps, offers a powerful alternative. This approach facilitates direct and personalized communication with customers and prospects.

Several factors contribute to the appeal of direct message marketing:

  • High Engagement: Emails and texts sent directly to individuals who have opted in typically enjoy high open and engagement rates. A 2024 report highlighted that email marketing delivers an average return on advertising spend (ROAS) of 3.5 to 1, outperforming other channels like Facebook ads at 1.8 to 1 and pay-per-click advertising at 1.55 to 1. Notably, text message marketing, exemplified by Gary Vaynerchukā€™s Wine Text service, demonstrates even greater potential by sending personalized wine deals to a highly engaged audience.
  • Personalization and Targeting: Direct message marketing’s key strength is its ability to customize messages based on individual behaviors and preferences. This personalized approach not only increases engagement but also boosts conversion rates. For example, WineText’s strategy of tailoring offers to user preferencesā€”such as favoring red over white wineā€”illustrates how direct message marketing can effectively cater to specific interests.
  • Cost Efficiency: Direct message marketing is generally more cost-effective than broad, top-of-the-funnel advertising. Marketers can achieve better results at a lower cost by focusing on individuals who have already expressed interest in a product or service.
  • Stronger Customer Relationships: Unlike other channels, direct message marketing allows businesses to “own” the relationship with their customers directly. Subscribers connected with the brand are more likely to be receptive to communications.

Challenges in Subscriber Acquisition

Although the benefits of email and text marketing are clear, particularly in the context of high ROAS and direct engagement, acquiring subscribers presents challenges. According to Mailchimp’s 2024 statistics, the average subscription rate for e-commerce email marketing is a mere 0.19%. This translates to fewer than one subscriber for every 500 visitors to an e-commerce site.

Traditionally, many online stores have effectively grown their subscriber lists through initial sales interactions. They find it easier to convert customers via direct advertising methods, such as Meta ads than to encourage website visits purely for subscription purposes.

In summary, while direct message marketing offers a robust and effective way to engage with customers in a post-cookie world, the journey to building a substantial subscriber base is fraught with obstacles. Marketers must navigate these challenges with strategic and creative approaches to maximize the potential of direct message marketing, especially considering that Email and Text Marketing Are Cookie-proof in this new era.